Public support for pipeline lacking

Maybe someone at Enbrige of Calgary missed math class.

Maybe someone at Enbrige of Calgary missed math class.

Enbridge claims a recent Ispos-Reid poll of 1,000 British Columbians counters the perception that the majority in B.C. are against their pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to are West Coast.

Yet it says right in the first line of the article that 48 per cent support the Northern Pipeline project but 48 per cent is not a majority.

The same poll showed that 55 are either not very aware or not are at all. Here is something else Enbridge should be aware of: 55 per cent is a majority.

How can 55 per cent support a pipeline they are not aware of or understand very little about? Also 20 per cent said they don’t know whether they support it or refused to say.

That leaves only 80 per cent and 31 percent are opposed either strongly or somewhat. I am neither for nor opposed to the Northern Pipeline but I suspect someone at Enbridge are fudging the numbers in their favour.

Andre Mollon





Goldstream News Gazette