Question misleading

I am reading these posters and ads that appear all over. Have the morons that designed these posters ever thought what the real message is, that people read at first glance?

I am reading these posters and ads that appear all over. Have the morons that designed these posters ever thought what the real message is, that people read at first glance?

The words: “Say Yes,” means we approve of something. Then we see the next big word “HST.”  How stupid!

Most people don’t read the text thoroughly, so their impression is to vote Yes to HST!  That you really mean to say yes to be against the HST is an oxymoron, just as saying I am FOR being against something.

But it is no wonder, considering the inability of our high school graduates and a lot of those graduating from our universities who’s English is atrociously disgraceful, that they cannot figure out what these posters really mean.

What would be wrong with:  “Vote No to the HST — defeat this tax” — positively negative.

If the HST is not defeated, I give the blame to those who have misled the public.

Rolf Loth


Penticton Western News