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Resident provides some thoughts on the Stickle Road issue

For all of those who still think they know better, I did some simple asking around and found that the decision on the final plan for the Stickle Road improvement has long since been submitted and accepted, and is easily obtainable.

Not one but two studies were undertaken, one by the Ministry of Transportation, and the other was independent.

The Highway 97/Stickle Road safety review final report is long and very technical, but the conclusion on pages 33 and 34 are pretty clear; no lights (followed by statistics and reasons) and no left-turns from Stickle (followed by stats and reasons).

The Highway 97/Stickle Road safety review gives you a bird’s eye view of what to expect.

The independent report’s front and  final page indicate the people who authored  it have spent years obtaining their education, as well as experiencing their craft. They know of what they speak.

My reason for this post is to say that many are sick and tired of those few whiners who profess the correct or only common sense solution.

Our MLA has done and is doing his job well as it concerns our safety.

To view the report and the findings, residents can go to

The road safety report is online and available for the public to download from

John Raikes



Vernon Morning Star