Dear Editor,
History says it was General Custer but this was a Major Custer Fluck! Step back a mere one hundred and forty years, give or take two days. If we can’t learn from history we can be at least be entertained by it.
Was this “upgrade” researched correctly so the transition would be seamless? Was any thought put into the timing of this event to minimize any possible catastrophic events? Was there a contingency plan, at all?
Was there a plan for extra staff and/or extra hours at the branches so the members (owners) would have proper access to deal with any problems in the unlikely event of some sort of failure? Were any of the staff members trained so they could deal properly with questions and/or concerns that may arise?
Poor planning and poor security to say the least. The end of the month is bad timing. At the end of June is horrible timing as any of those with Property Taxes due might agree. As far as security goes, out the window comes to mind. We are all encouraged to choose a PIN, not our phone number, house address, that sort of thing, and to protect it. One might presume we should be as diligent with the Access Code for online banking and what are we all given as a PAC at the start of this fiasco? The last five digits on our card or in some cases, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If I was leaving town I would have your money.
The Credit Union is supposed to be “The People’s Financial Institution” however I don’t see how the best interest of the people is being looked after. Which WLDCU member didn’t have problems after the great “Technology Upgrade”? Which Teller felt supported by their employer after this ordeal? If the reason for this exercise was to get the members into the facility, stand in line and use the Teller for their banking business, I believe it was successful. If it was to move toward the future, modernize, make banking more efficient, so far I see failure.
I hope that those in charge can learn from this event and the next upgrade will be an upgrade. I prefer to go to the theatre for entertainment.
Thank you,
Carl HarestadBella Coola