Reader humoured by post-election analysis

Dear editor,

I am amazed at some of the inept analysis that I have seen and heard of the recent Courtenay council elections. Paul Deeton’s letter is the latest surreal offering.

How on earth does Mr. Deeton arrive at the conclusion that the public returned “a council which would support Mayor Jangula’s leadership and allow him to lead effectively”?  I surely wouldn’t have voted for Councillors Frisch, Lennox and Hillian if I had thought that they were simply going to follow along in lockstep with a mayor who has made some questionable statements and decisions. Nor would a great many other people whom I know also voted for these councillors.

If he means that these three councillors made Maple Pool the focus of their campaign, then I must have missed something. I heard Mayor Jangula saying much that sort of thing on the radio – which makes me question the quality of his analysis, too.

This sort of thinking completely disregards the hard work done by David Frisch and Rebecca Lennox  during the election, and what I think must surely be the fact that they brought a younger demographic out to vote.

And what are we to make of Councillor Hillian’s re-election? Before the election, certain people amongst the supporters of Maple Pool made him out to be Satan’s envoy on Earth! Yet he is re-elected. Curious, no?

Finally, is Ronna-Rae Leonard not to be allowed to voice her concerns as a citizen because she was once on council? Surely she has the same right as anyone to be heard, and not be penalized because she stepped up and gave her time and energy to serve as a city councillor, and NDP candidate.

Stephen Harvey



Comox Valley Record