Regional water strategy needs to be complete

During the election, Lantzville announced that it had the funding from a developer to pay for water for the community.

To the Editor,

During the election, Lantzville announced that it had the funding from a developer to pay for water for the community.

In previous letters to the editor and politician statements, there was a call for a regional water strategy.

As a Nanaimo taxpayer, I think the regional water strategy should be completed before agreeing to sell our water to anyone.

Once it starts flowing, we cannot stop it.

I also heard that the amount to be charged to Lantzville is going to be the same as the Nanaimo water DCC. Why should we charge the same when Nanaimo residents provide a subsidy to water DCCs of 25 per cent?

Why should we subsidize Lantzville? They are getting water for free through a developer so charge them full rate.

As a resident of Nanaimo, I do not want my tax money going to subsidize other people’s bad decisions.

G. Gomerich


Nanaimo News Bulletin