Resident disappointed in recent charrette on Barriere wastewater treatment plant

Resident disappointed in recent charrette on Barriere wastewater treatment plant

To the editor;

When I looked again through the May 7 issue of the North Thompson Star/Journal, I found a notice by the District of Barriere inviting the public to a charrette regarding the wastewater treatment plant; which I was already aware that the Federal Government is paying through a grant, for all the installation.

Therefore, I went after supper to learn a few more things about this very new, exciting, cutting edge proposal for our community.

If this was the charrette, I found it very confusing, with so many questions and answers ranging all over the topic to make all of it very hard to follow and understand.

I suppose that I expected the charrette to consist of several round tables narrowed down to a variety of specific topics such as, sewer collection, design of the building inside and out, the technical components and how everything would work together.

The last table I thought might have been to speculate on where this plant with all its workings might be located to serve the Barriere core.

The plant itself will be the largest structure and project undertaken by the municipality so far.

I imagine that we, as residents, want to be involved in planning the development of the Barriere core to make it a pleasant environment for every one in Barriere.

Otto Kohnert

Barriere, B.C.



Barriere Star Journal