Respect for each other is needed

Millions can march in the streets. Political leaders can declare war on the actions of others. But nothing will change.

Dear Editor:

Millions can march in the streets. Political leaders can declare war on the actions of others. But nothing will change.

Instead, there may well be a hardening of activities to further inflame the situation.

Ideas are stronger than bullets, for bullets attack the body, not the soul.

The long, sad history of worldwide religion-inspired atrocities proves that the only way people will be able to live together in peace —as we in Canada believe happens in our multicultural society — is for basic rights for all and respect shown, each to the other.

Fanatics are not reasonable people. They are so sure they are right they can accept no other view.

Freedom of speech must be tempered with some discretion when mocking religious beliefs of others.

Only when people are ready to listen and hear will people recognize any value or validity in differing religions and customs.

Only then can calm discussion occur and hopefully bring about not necessarily conversion but peaceful understanding and acceptance.

Sheila White



Summerland Review