To the Editor,
In case you have been watching CNN as I have, I would like to tell a bit of what I know about Cuba.
What I know from visiting and studying Cuba is that approximately 90 per cent of the population votes municipally, provincially and federally. They seem to think that their vote counts. Raul Castro was voted into his position as president. The United Nations General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly for over 15 years to have the blockade by the U.S. lifted. The U.S. has ignored the carefully considered advice and requests of other countries of the world.
U.S. President Barack Obama recognized Cuba’s efforts against ebola in Africa. This is just the tip of what Cuba has done internationally in terms of volunteer medical aid. Being first and last with aid during the Haiti disaster being one of their efforts.
According to a column in The Guardian this month, “If the blockade really were to be dismantled, it would not only be a vindication of Cuba’s remarkable record of social justice at home and solidarity abroad. It would also be a boon for millions around the world who would benefit from a Cuba unshackled.”
Ruth CaspellNanaimo