Road lines

The state of Vernon road lines is terrible to say the least, as is much of the rest of our major provincial highway system

The state of our Vernon area road lines is terrible to say the least, as is much of the marking on the rest of our major provincial highway system.

One has to wonder why this is. Is it the application method or the quality of the completely non-reflective paint being used?

I think it is probably poor quality paint.

Our government agencies are spending millions of dollars to advise us on driving safely but they need to start spending some of those millions to create safe, properly lined roads and highways for us to drive on.

A previous writer, Harold Young, is absolutely correct in stating the superior quality of Washington state road marking, including where needed imbedded reflective road line markers.

I defy anyone driving on a dark, wet night anywhere on our Okanagan highways or downtown streets to know whether they are properly in their lane or not when approaching a multi-lane intersection or lengthy curving highway  section because basically no lines are visible.

We want to drive safely so our provincial highways ministry and city roads departments need to give us wide reflective lines on that broad expanse of very black pavement.

As an aside,  much of the large highways department signage now in use is so brightly reflective it becomes distracting when headlights hit them on those very dark, wet nights, which is the complete opposite to the terrible lines problem.


Ron Trickett, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star