Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Feb. 14, 2020)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

  • Valentine’s Day roses to my partner for loving me for who I currently and genuinely am, body and soul. Thank you, darling, for patiently helping me realize what I deserve and for encouraging me to work towards it. I love you.
  • Valentine’s roses to my wonderful sons who make me smile and laugh always – and roses to my dad in heaven. Miss you always and forever
  • A huge bouquet of sweet, fresh picked roses to the kind person who found my, unfortunately broken, glasses and returned them to the ophthalmologist’s office, with a $50 bill to help me buy a replacement pair! You are incredible, thank you very much!
  • Rotten tomatoes to McCallum and his four puppets for supporting the taxi association while turning a blind eye to our public safety.
  • Loads of rotten tomatoes for the system about dog attacks and dogs being euthanized. There is so many humans that are “unacceptable risks to the public” yet are not given even jail time for far more serious crimes. Capital punishment would have them think twice about committing any kind of serious crime. The system is seriously broken and needs to be fixed.
  • Rotten tomatoes to all those school kids who throw their garbage on the ground instead of putting it into a garbage can.
  • Rotten tomatoes to solo people with no kids with them who use parent parking spots. Those spots are close to the stores for convenience for people with kids not as an easy pull in for you inconsiderate types.
  • A sports arena full of stinky rotten tomatoes to our city. How is it that 64th Avenue between 152 Street and 165 Street still only has one lane each direction? Seems to be no problem with city hall approving removal of ARL land to build these eye-sore monster homes. Absolutely unbelievable as this is a major commuting route. I guess it’s not on the priority list as Uber hasn’t been allowed to help with congestion.

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