Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Feb. 18, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.


  • Roses to the nice people who smile and say hello when my dachshund and I are out walking around the lake at Green Timbers park! You make our day!
  • Dozens and dozens of roses to Brenda for all of your selflessness and love and support. I am grateful and so thankful to be able to look up to you and call you mom. Thank you doesn’t begin to describe my gratitude. You are greatly appreciated and deeply loved.
  • A big bouquet of roses to whomever took the time to return our dog’s identification tag to our home. We were so surprised to find it on our bench and so thankful that you took the time – what a wonderful act of kindness. Thank you!
  • Roses to my beautiful wife. Sorry I haven’t been myself lately. I love you!
  • A room full of roses to Jethro Kambere and the students who go to breakfast with him at Newton Elementary school. Thank you, Jethro, for the extra effort you have given these students and the difference it has made in there lives. As a single mom, I know a positive male figure is very important in a child’s life. Thank you, students, who accepted the help offered and are learning from it. You may also be a great role model some day as well. Keep up the great work.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the people who can’t seem to grasp the three-way stop on 56th Avenue and 177th Street in Cloverdale. Please look at signs while you are driving, before you cut someone off or give them the one-finger salute.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the mayor of Surrey for increasing property taxes. Try enforcing bylaws for illegal suites and collect money from people who owe it!
  • Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey for ignoring crime and pretending everything is fine. Our neighbourhood used to feel safe – now it’s something different every night, including police dogs searching the area and random beatings. But “nothing is wrong with Surrey,” right Mayor Hepner?
  • A bus full of rotten tomatoes to all the passengers on public transit who have loud, lengthy conversations on their cell phones. I don’t want to hear about how important your meetings were or what you’re picking up for dinner that night.
  • Rotten tomatoes to Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner. Don’t believe her spin on light rail. She says everybody she talked to is in favour of it but that isn’t close to being true. This the same person who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a campaign to get another tax on roads and bridges that failed in a vote. That hasn’t stopped her from raising taxes in Surrey.

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