Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (July 29, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions

• Roses aren’t enough to say thank you to the two gentlemen who got me up off the sidewalk at Evergreen Safeway. I stopped to pick up some garbage, tripped and down I went, flat out. I am a ‘large senior’ and it was not easy for them to get me up. Thank you both so much for helping me.

• Roses to Surrey’s traffic department for trying to slow traffic down in the selected areas of our city. Unfortunately this has not been successful, except for one day when the police paid a visit.

• Rotten tomatoes to the large family of about six adults who decided to bring six children under the age of seven, including a baby, for a birthday dinner at a fancy, romantic restaurant in Surrey on the evening of Saturday, July 17. Many of the people there had their evening spoiled with these kids yelling like they were at Chuck E Cheese. Choose a more appropriate setting for your noisy gatherings.

• A canal full of rotten tomatoes to the Safe Surrey Coalition. Do they really think that they can pull the wool over residents’ eyes? It happened once, it won’t happen again.

• A hot tub full of roses to the front office staff at Surrey Sport and Leisure Complex for doing the COVID check-in for every swim. They have been super friendly, efficient, and know all the regulars by name. Definitely made all our swims a lot more enjoyable!

• Roses to the pharmacy staff at the Walmart on 88th Avenue, as well as the ladies that waited with myself and my 93-year-old mother until the ambulance arrived, after mom had collapsed outside the store. Your kindness and empathy will never be forgotten.

• Rancid tomatoes to all drivers throwing their lit butts out their driver’s side window, especially during this drought. All of you would be responsible for starting a fire. Shame, shame on all of you.

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