Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (June 1, 2018)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

  • Rotten tomatoes to Surrey for letting people tear down perfectly good houses to put up apartment buildings masquerading as single-family homes. Once the building has started there is no oversight whatsoever and it is impossible to find anybody to talk to at City Hall. Shame on you for turning nice neighbourhoods into noisy, filthy construction zones.
  • Roses to the heroes of Whalley/Grosvenor Road for helping me load a door into the back of my car. The first hero, with his arm in a sling, called for reinforcements. Hero No. 2 is the young man who dropped his knapsack to get the door loaded into my car. A wagon full of roses to each of you.
  • On Saturday night (May 26), there was a long lineup for the 502 bus at Surrey Central Station. When the bus arrived, a teenage girl, while walking to the end of the line, threw her plastic cup on the ground and stomped on it. My thought was: Is this typical behavior of the new generation? A moment later, another teenage girl, who witnessed this action, got out of the bus lineup, picked up the cup and put it in the garbage can a few steps away, and then returned to the line. My faith in the new generation was instantly restored. A bouquet of roses for this wonderful civic-minded teen.
  • Spring roses to a wonderful woman who found my dad’s wallet in the parking lot of Guildford Town Centre. She drove all the way to our home to hand-deliver it, for nothing in return. In the excitement of the moment, we feel as if we didn’t thank you enough. If you or anyone you know reads this, just know that you changed our perspective. We often believe the worst has happened, but you have shown us that there is more good in the world than we try to see. You simply said, “Pray for me,” as you left. We will be praying for you always.
  • Rotten tomatoes to my miserable, antisocial, crabby neighbour – who can’t be bothered to say hello – for presuming I am staring at her while I watch the hummingbirds feed in my backyard. Move out to the country and you can have all the privacy you want.

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