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- Roses and many thanks to the nurse and doctor who gave my 88-year-old mother a ride home from Safeway. She decided to try this store as it was just a few blocks away from her home. She took the bus only to find out after she finished shopping that there is no bus stop around to take the bus back home. The nurse and doctor must have noticed my mother was in distress as she stopped several people asking how she could get back home by bus. The nurse and doctor went out of their way to make sure mother got home safely. They were so very kind and caring. My mother will never forget it and neither will her family. We would have loved to send them a thank you card but unfortunately mom could not remember the name of the doctor or the lovely nurse. So many sweet roses to them!
- Tomatoes and dandelions to the City of Surrey. An $8,500 crosswalk? They must have money to burn.
- A truckload of rotten tomatoes to Linda Hepner, who has wasted $8,500 of taxpayers’ money on a crosswalk painted with rainbow colours for the gay community. There is nothing wrong with being gay but really? Do you really need this, especially when the money can be used for the better somewhere else? Shame on you Linda Hepner.
- Rotten tomatoes to Surrey Mayor Hepner. Shame on her for paying $8,500 of our hard-earned tax money for a painted crosswalk.
- Truckloads of rotten tomatoes to groups of people who walk side by side down the sidewalk and take up the entire width. Seriously, other people have places to go and they don’t have as much time as you. No one wants to step out onto the road to pass people who have no regard for other pedestrians.
- Rotten tomatoes to BC Hydro for its latest tax called customer crisis fund – and adding GST to it. Just another tax on tax by the provincial government. If people can’t pay their bills, then Power Smart is not doing its job and they should disband it and use that money for their latest tax.
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