This Aug. 7 Rob Buchanan cartoon drew criticism from a CP Rail spokesperson.

This Aug. 7 Rob Buchanan cartoon drew criticism from a CP Rail spokesperson.

Safe operations CP CEO’s first priority

CP Rail public relations spokesperson objects to Times Review editorial cartoon depicting CP CEO Hunter Harrison


In response to your cartoon (August 7, 2013) Canadian Pacific and its Revelstoke employees would like to express our disappointment with the paper’s misguided attempt at trying to be funny about something that this company takes very seriously, which is rail safety.

Each year, CP safely moves millions of carloads of freight across our North American network, including in our Mountain Region. We are proud of the work of our employees and their dedication to upholding one of this railway’s key foundations, which is to operate safely. To insinuate this is the not case, as depicted in the cartoon, is misleading and disrespectful to those railroaders living in the Revelstoke area.

CP and the town of Revelstoke have a deeply rooted history. The safe operations of trains in your community and the more than 1,200 we operate through, is paramount. This is and will always remain our company’s and our CEO Hunter Harrison’s first and highest priority.

Kevin Hrysak

CP Public Affairs



Revelstoke Times Review