Sahtlam Night Before Christmas

Sahtlam Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Hall,

Sahtlam Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Hall,

not a fireman was present, at home were they all.

The helmets were placed in their lockers with care,

In hopes that thru Christmas they’d all remain there.

When then from my dresser there came such a clatter,

I turned up my pager to hear what was the matter.

And then through the static from Firecom did I hear:

“A vehicle crash, involving some deer”.

So down to the hall drove the crews with great caution,

‘Cause accidents happen in winter quite often.

Into the trucks all the members they climbed,

And left from the hall as the sirens all chimed.

Not far from their base they arrived on the scene

And tried to make sense out of what must have been.

Spread out on the road and tossed into the ditch,

Were hundreds of colourful Christmas wrapped gifts.

And wrapped up in tethers, attached to a sleigh,

Were 8 tiny reindeer that could not pull away.

A white bearded man in a Jolly red smock,

Was calming the reindeer as if they could talk.

The sleigh had turned over and was unable to glide,

And there seemed to be hundreds of gifts still inside.

So the fire chief decided what had to be done

And he gathered the crew where the red sleigh still hung.

The team moved in close so they could all grab a ski

And they righted the craft on the Chief’s count of three.

Then some gathered up gifts to put back in their spots

While others helped reindeer untie their knots.

At last all the gifts, were gathered and stowed,

The ribbons and tinsel were swept off the road.

The Jolly old driver was lively and quick,

Everyone knew that it must be St. Nick.

With a wink and a nod, he leapt back on the sleigh,

And then in an instant they flew up and away.

The fire crew dumbfounded, just stared at the sight,

And then headed back to tuck in for the night.

After debriefing, the group stood by the door,

Wondering what else Christmas Eve had in store.

When straight overhead flew the Sleigh they had saved,

The reindeer were pulling as Santa Claus waved.

He circled but once without making a sound,

And dropped out a gift that floated down to the ground.

The box was of beer, a fine winter brew.

Inside was a bottle for each of the crew.

And then as they left with their gift from the hall,

They heard Santa cry: “Merry Christmas to All”.

Cowichan Valley Citizen