Saluting an inventive Canada

EDITORIAL: On Monday, Canada will be 146 years young and the North Okanagan is ripe for celebration

On Monday, Canada will be 146 years young and the North Okanagan is ripe for celebration.

There is so much to celebrate about this crazy country of three ocean coastlines and five time zones.

Give a toast to this country of comics, of spendthrift senators, of wild weather, of vinegar on French fries, of hockey, of high taxes, of CanCon, of pogey, icky-bicky, loonies and toonies, of adoring the CBC, of hating the CBC, of voting, but against rather than for a party, of choosing not to vote but bitching about the results anyway, dammit!

Salute this remarkable land that has blessed us with all this and more. Don’t for a moment think we cannot be brilliant.

Consider just a smidgen of what Canada has offered up to the rest of the globe: the CPR dummy, the anti-gravity suit, automatic lubricators, Balderdash, basketball, the electric cooking range, the electric wheelchair, the Fuller brush, hockey, the kayak, kerosene, lacrosse, computerized braille, the electric car heater, the electric light bulb, instant mashed potatoes, film colourization, Pablum, the Jolly Jumper, the zipper, the snowblower, the snowmobile, the heart pacemaker, the electric organ, the IMAX movie system and the goalie mask.

There is also Pictionary, birchbark canoes, retractable beer-case handles, snow shoes, steam foghorns, table hockey, Superman, toboggans, synchronized swimming, Velcro, five-pin bowling, the Abdominizer, Yahtzee, the AC radio tube, acetylene — and, of course, three-down football, the way God meant it to be played.

Happy Canada Day.

— Kamloops This Week


Vernon Morning Star