

Sawchuk does his research when it comes to the numbers

As the editor of the Citizen please don't be intimidated for publishing letters.

Sawchuk does his research when it comes to the numbers

In a letter Chris McMahon takes aim at Joe Sawchuk for his letter he deems as “nonsense”, and your newspaper for publishing his letter.

The subject matter is ICBC and BC Hydro and the raiding of these to “pots” to balance the budget. McMahon has challenged Sawchuk on his claims, but fails to provide details of his allegations.

I have read many of Sawchuk’s letters over the years on many subjects but I must say when it comes to “the numbers” he seems to have done his research.

As the editor of the Citizen please don’t be intimidated for publishing letters. They are all interesting as they reflect the mood of the public.

John Walker

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen