Say ‘no’ to ORV Act

Defend your last motorized freedom: the off road vehicle

To the editor:

British Columbia’s cultural identity is partially defined by freedom to roam the land.

Do you want less freedom?

The “Coalition for Licensing and Regulation of Off-Road Vehicles” in B.C. has proposed the provincial government restrict and clamp down on motorcycles, ATVs, ATC, side-by-sides and other machines used in the bush.

[Under proposed regulations] you must hold a valid B.C. driver’s licence; carry liability insurance to operate on Crown land trails and forest roads; register all machines, including a decal or licence plate for identification; restrict where and how you use your ATV, enforce new laws in the bush, and much more.

The cattlemen associations and Grassland Preservation Society would like nothing better than to stop off-road vehicles everywhere. Other supporters are along for the ride in hopes of finding compromise.

I see a popular recreation activity targeted for more taxes, fees and restrictions, which will end up costing every taxpayer more.

Currently, the cost to have fun in the bush is only the investment of the machine and some common sense with optional insurance.

If this legislation goes through, you will be forced to pay more and ride less. It will be another freedom stomped down by special interests.

At a time of economic recovery, why suck more disposable income out of our economy?

Remember the HST, Gun Registry and boating changes – it cost us plenty – for what?

Once the legislation is enacted, off-road vehicles will see more future restrictions on land use.

There are other solutions that do not cost our socio-economic system stress and money – educate and train without direct cost to taxpayers.

Somewhere in this apathetic world, personal responsibility has got to come back from the dead. We are over-regulated, so why create more rules and more tax?

Our cultural identity is partially defined by freedom to roam the land and it belongs to every citizen – that’s why it’s called Crown land.

Let us retain some cash and freedom. Write your MLA and start a petition today – say “no” to the Off Road Vehicle Act.


Henry Van Soest

Williams Lake


100 Mile House Free Press