Saying Thanks

Compassionate Friends group thanks community for support

The Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for bereaved parents, would like to extend their thanks to the community.

To simply say thank you would never come close to the overwhelming gratitude we have for Nixon Wenger, The Morning Star, and the People Place (manager Elaine Collison) who have allowed us to gather in a safe place to continue our very difficult grief journey.

At this time we would also like to extend our appreciation to the Vernon community service organizations for their referrals; the Compassionate Friends Advisory Board Members who are always available to provide guidance when needed (Carolyn Christiansen, Donna Albury, Diana Mahortoff, Dorothy Larsen, and Brenda Rutherford) and Morning Star lifestyles editor Katherine Mortimer for ensuring the public is aware of our organization.

Finally, we would like to thank the North Okanagan United Way for providing TCF with the funding for our seabeck and outreach programs.

Darlene Augustson



Vernon Morning Star