School Board 79 should keep its nine trustees

Editor: It is my understanding that there is a motion being brought forward for consideration to the School Board 79 trustees, and it will be voted on shortly.

The motion is to reduce the number of trustees from nine to seven.

I am sure the motion has been suggested as a way to constrain the budget, and to show the taxpayers that the board is prepared to do its share.

This is a fine and noble outlook, but I can assure  you there are other areas to consider that have as much value, or more, as balancing the budget.

My husband and I have lived in Lake Cowichan for most of our lives, and have raised four children who have gone through school here and are now leading productive lives.

I am a former school trustee, school board chairman, councillor, and mayor for the Town of Lake Cowichan.

It was very satisfying to be a part of the community when we approached the government to separate from the Gulf Islands and establish our own identity.

This came right after our high school had lost its accreditation, which was a very painful time for this area.

It was genuinely felt that sharing a school board led to a lack of attention to what really matters – the education of children in a comprehensive way so they can become their best.

I firmly believe that the Cowichan Lake area will lose its voice in educational decisions, and we will also lose our representation at the board table through the sheer numbers in the Duncan and surrounding areas at election time.

I would ask the school trustees to consider this motion very carefully.

It is not in the best interest of the Cowichan Lake area, and certainly not its students.

Jean Brown

Lake Cowichan

Lake Cowichan Gazette