School District 79 budget cuts unacceptable

The intent of this letter is to inform the Cowichan District Board of Education that I am greatly opposed to the cuts currently being considered in the 2011/2012 draft budget. time to submit a no cuts budget.

Dear Trustees: The intent of this letter is to inform the Cowichan District Board of Education that I am greatly opposed to the cuts currently being considered in the 2011/2012 draft budget.  I firmly believe that with the reinstatement of funding protection, now is the time to submit a no cuts budget.

The cuts that are being considered do not honour the district strategic plan, nor are they in the best interest of our number one priority – our children.  There are over a million dollars in proposed cuts coming directly from our classrooms.  This is outrageous and completely unacceptable.

It is time that our elected representatives take a stand and show the children, families and communities of the Cowichan Valley that they value the future of our children.

I am urging the trustees of School District 79 to submit a no cuts budget for the 2011/2012 budget year as a sign of support and dedication to our children.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration,

Debbie Martel

Friends of Cowichan Kids chair

Lake Cowichan Gazette