If my husband made off with $90,000 from his place of employment he would be fired, arrested and they would throw the key away.
So how can we trust Prime Minister Harper to appoint anyone to the Senate when he has no control or could care less what they do?
Thank heavens we have the media that leaks all this out to the people of Canada
His personal right hand man let Senator Duffy get away with his improper actions.
I am so disgusted how they can take money from the taxpayer of Canada. Then they tell us they have no money for an increase in the pension for the people that worked hard and built this country.
No wonder he had to up the new age for a pension to 67, they are too busy trying to figure out ways to keep their own pockets lined.
Now all the prime minister will do is let it go and hope the scandal will die down while he is out of the country.
I am so sick of all the clowns that make up our government and Harper had the nerve today to say they are the most honest government in world, what a joke.
We have this scandal going on that was leaked. God help us if we knew what else was going on behind our backs.
I guess they just have way too much money in the general revenue and need to spend it somehow.
It is not on the people or the pensions for the people of Canada that deserve it.
The politicians think they are entitled to do whatever they want with our money and they do not have to be accountable to the people.
When we do find out what they are doing with the money and we get mad they just find excuses and try to wash it all away.
I want to see all these people get kicked out of the Senate and that Nigel go away somewhere, although he is already a rich man on our money.
I cannot understand how Duffy or Wallen or anyone can sit as an independent and still get paid.
I hope I get some answers and soon.
Doris de Grood