She likes Filomi, she really, really likes it

I am writing this to express my gratitude about some recent events in Port Hardy and our area.

Dear editor:

I am writing this to express my gratitude about some recent events in Port Hardy and our area.

The Music Festival at Cluxewe was awesome, and I was proud to have my granddaughter and daughter with me as well.

They too, enjoyed it immensely and my granddaughter was dancing in the rain, totally oblivious to it.

We, as adults could take notes from this free-spiritedness.  A more beautiful setting could not be found, and I look forward to next year’s.

A huge thank you to all the folk involved; I am aware of all of the work done behind the scenes to bring us such a variety of musicians.

My family came up again for the Filomi Days celebrations to have fun with parade watching (especially the candy part!), activities, food and music that can only be presented with a small town feel of camaraderie and warmth.

I appreciate the commitment of the groups of people who can pull this off, especially the nice weather part!

To sit and listen to music is so relaxing and to be in such a beautiful, natural surrounding is truly a gift that I take for granted too often.

To hear the children laughing, see them eating mini donuts, walking about with fresh tattoos and balloon hats connects with the child in me. These days are our children’s good ol’ days and thanks again for all of the work done to give it to them.

Please, everyone, give yourselves a big pat on the back for a good job well done!

Thank you Port Hardy! I get a sense that there is more to come? Bring it on!

Betty-Jean Dziekan

Port Hardy


North Island Gazette