Shifting classrooms unacceptable
Dear school board trustee,
I am writing to voice my objection to the short-sighted and ill-planned decision to remove classroom teachers from SD79 schools during this unprecedented time.
Like many parents, I was shocked last Friday to learn that both of my children’s schools would be losing a teacher; and thus, my children would be disrupted and potentially be in classrooms with even larger compositions.
This is unacceptable and incomprehensible when we are in the midst of a pandemic; and the children are already suffering so much loss and disruption.
We learned today that one of our children will be moved to a different classroom with a different cohort and teacher tomorrow.
We are beyond disappointed and our son has once again been the last person considered in all of this.
Shame on all of you for forgetting the children in all the politics and penny pinching.
Rachael Murphy-Boteler