Dear editor,
This is a comment to the good folks of Lazo/Point Holmes who recently made a delegation to their council about doing something about the mosquitoes that plagued them last summer. They complained that they could not sit on their patios and they needed to stay indoors all summer. They wanted the local governments to do something about the problem.
Well, I have an easy solution that does not require our local governments to take time out of their busy schedules or spend tax dollars on expensive studies. It is time that the public take some responsibility for their own welfare.
The homeowners can build bat boxes and swallow boxes and put them up on tress around their own homes. You can find easy directions on how to build them on the Internet or in the library – or watch this video
You will also find good information about where to place them – how high – what direction they should face and how to care for annually. This is a great opportunity to learn about nature in your own backyard. Mosquitoes are a big part of the food chain. These bats and birds will take very good care of your mosquito problem without having to use pesticides.
Try it. You’ll like it.
Maj Birch,
MARS manager