Six months later, key returned

I had dropped the proximity key for my vehicle


Six months later, key returned

I am writing to you to ask that you publish my bizarre tale of loss and good fortune as well as my thanks to an anonymous person who was the source of that good fortune.

Last June I was walking my pups on the dike at McAdam Park when I discovered that I had dropped the proximity key for my vehicle somewhere along the way. I retraced my steps and with help from other people, searched and searched for the missing key. All to no avail. In the end, I and the pups had to walk home to retireve the duplicate key and then back to the park to recover my vehicle. A good workout, but well deserved for being so careless, thought I!

Well, replacing the key turned out to be quite expensive so I chose to make do with what I had and hope that I wouldn’t pull that stunt again. In the following months we walked at the park on a regular basis and used every opportunity to keep an eye out for that key. Friends and acquaintances kindly tried to help. No luck. The grass was cut, the rain fell, the wind blew and then we had snow! I gave up on ever seeing my key again.

But on Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021, a friend called and told me that he had seen a Lexus proximity key on the doggie bag dispenser at the park. You can bet I hied myself over there as quick as I could and sure enough! Someone had found my key and left it to be picked up. The whole assembly is somewhat weathered and needs cleaning but it opens the door to my car and starts the engine, so there is no doubt it belongs to my vehicle. I am so grateful to the person who took the time to pick the key up and leave it for me. Now, who can beat that? What a great way to start the New Year!

Peggy McLennan


Cowichan Valley Citizen