To the Editor:
I am writing to make people aware of the Smart Meter Public Meeting that will be held Jan.12 in Osoyoos.
This meeting will help people to become more informed about the facts of Fortis’ wireless power “smart” meter and the concerns of the public of possible negative effects. The meeting will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. on Jan. 12 at the Sonora Centre 8505-68th Ave -located three blocks south of Main Street in Osoyoos. A similar meeting was held in Oliver in October that was attended by over 100 people.
Many people are still wanting information about smart meters and this daytime meeting will make it easier for people from other towns of the Okanagan Similkameen area to attend. The speaker will be Jerry Flynn who is a retired Armed Forces Radiation Specialist who will explain the background of radiation use, and many of studies done by experts.
Well over one thousand people in the Fortis area have signed petitions or sent emails to BC Utilities Commission requesting that Fortis be denied permission to install the Advanced Meter Infrastructure Project otherwise known as the Smart meter.
Both the Oliver Town Council and the RDOS (Regional District of the Okanaagan Similkameen) have recently voted to ask BCUC to deny the Fortis Application. Fortis can not go forward with this project without BCUC ‘s approval.
Please come to this meeting to understand the potential health risks and increased cost of power.
Judy Nicholas, Oliver