There has been an ongoing campaign of information sharing by people who are aware of the harmful effects of smart meters, warning of violation of privacy, electrical fires and the serious health concerns to both humans and wildlife, too numerous to list here.
Smart meters emit strong bursts of microwave (or radio-frequency) radiation, which the World Health Organization has classified as a class 2b carcinogen.
As of May 2012, 39 B.C. municipalities have passed motions calling for a moratorium on the installation of smart meters.
However, B.C. Hydro ignores that because they are not legally obligated to pay any heed. System security is another major concern. Communication is two-way between each smart meter and the grid. And each smart meter has a remote controllable kill-switch. We know that any wireless computer system can be hacked. Think about it.
My partner and I have a locking device on our analogue meter and we have notified B.C. Hydro that we don’t want a smart meter. Recently, we received a letter from Hydro advising that time was up and they would be changing our meter whether we like it or not.
But wait, Rich Coleman, minister of energy, rides in on a white charger and announces that objectors won’t be forced to take a smart meter.
How benevolent. Then, Coleman is careful not to make any blanket guarantees for the future (otherwise known as the post-election period).
Apparently, the Liberals are hoping that the appearance of being a little less dictatorial may help their chances of surviving the upcoming election.
B.C. Hydro’s next tactic is to focus on education, which actually means Hydro’s own propaganda.
These days, we can educate ourselves. There are two very comprehensive websites: and, as well as the 1,500-page Bioinitiative Report 2012, written by 29 independent scientists and health experts worldwide.
Check it out. Fellow hold-outs, keep holding out.
Christian Sjonnesen