Smart Slap

Ladysmith Chronicle Letter to the Editor


Are we giving away our freedom for a smart meter?

What is happening to our democracy?

How can our government in Victoria disregard  the moratorium Ladysmith and other municipalities in the province have passed in the best interest of their  residents saying  NO  to ‘smart meters’ ?

How can the Minister of Energy, Rich Coleman,  give BC Hydro and  Corix  the green light to continue to install these meters in spite of so much opposition?

By the way, is not Corix an American company?

Why is an American company doing the work for BC Hydro?

Are we being tossed aside as a means to their end?

The supposed ‘smart meters’ will give BC Hydro a minute by minute account of my every action in my own home.

Simply put,  it is a surveillance device!

If anyone wants to search my home, do they not need a warrant? Once BC Hydro has this information, what will they do with it and who will have access to it?     Why are the province of  Ontario and the state of  California, to name a few, taking them out?

I value highly the privilege to live in this free country.

However, I am afraid, little by little, it is being eroded by big brother Are we powerless to stop them?   I hope not.

To protect yourself and  to do your part to stop this machine go to     Their  ‘smart meter action kit ‘ is the best tool I have found to date.

Lois Robertson


Ladysmith Chronicle