Special force of blue plates


During my daily outings in and around White Rock I’ve often seen several blue veteran licence plates…


During my daily outings in and around White Rock I’ve often seen several blue veteran licence plates, but last month I was quite surprised not to see a significant number of these licence plates at Morgan Creek Golf Club where Equitas held a fundraiser dinner Oct. 18.

However in retrospect, I put it down to my neighbours not knowing that Equitas is a national, non-partisan organization formed to support injured Canadian soldiers suffering life-long disabilities (Court, ombudsman back veterans group’s claim, Oct. 10).

Now, it’s to be hoped that more awareness will provoke our local veterans, along with all fellow Canadians to take the time to learn more about Equitas by simply ‘Googling’ their website.

So in that case, there should be a sea of blue licence plates in the parking area at the next Equitas Society White Rock fundraiser.

Elizabeth Kearns, White Rock



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