Special interest groups political

Re: Environmental groups unfairly represented, Letters, Dec. 13.

To the Editor,

Re: Environmental groups unfairly represented, Letters, Dec. 13.

Liz Fox is being just as silly trying to represent environmental groups as ‘holier than thou’ halo-wearers.

All special interest groups have their own agendas based on the way they think the world should be.

That’s why they are called special interest groups, and environmentalists are just as adept (some perhaps even more so) at playing the propaganda game as any other, so it’s natural that when those groups get funding from corporate entities, that funding carries baggage and question marks with it.

The more serious problem with the major environmental groups is, they seem more about politics than the environment.

If they weren’t, then there are more than enough cases of environmental destruction going on all over the world at this moment, that are far, far worse than the construction of a pipeline that will be under an environmental microscope every inch of the way,

Charles Reid


Nanaimo News Bulletin