U.S. and Canadian flags fly in Point Roberts, Wash., on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. The first-ever Canadian customs sites in the United States could be coming soon. A U.S. official said the years-long preclearance experiment could soon be taking a new step with Canadian customs facilities in the U.S., and he mentioned Arizona and Florida as leading candidates for the sites. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

U.S. and Canadian flags fly in Point Roberts, Wash., on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. The first-ever Canadian customs sites in the United States could be coming soon. A U.S. official said the years-long preclearance experiment could soon be taking a new step with Canadian customs facilities in the U.S., and he mentioned Arizona and Florida as leading candidates for the sites. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Speculation tax could send part-time Victoria resident packing

Property owner from U.S. loves our city, hates the idea of being taxed like a speculator

Re: B.C. speculation tax

I love your city. So much that 17 years ago, we bought a condo and spend at least five months each year solidly contributing to your economy.

We eat in your best restaurants and bring guests up to spend their money here, too. In fact, we have brought over 1,000 of our customers over the years to introduce them to one of the best cities in North America. But it is the people that we enjoy the most … unless they are driving, or; but that is another story.

I tell you all of this because we feel we contribute to your town in a significant way, enough to not be squeezed out by a selective tax. This tax is a way for the politicians to choose winners and losers. In our case, the taxes will be the equivalent of over $2,000 per month. This is a lose/lose proposition.

People from out of the country contribute in many ways. Some use ambulances, hospitals and other services and pay cash for them. We already pay income taxes on our profits, pay property taxes, plus HOA, customs and a variety of other fees, and still we don’t have the advantage of any social services. In other words, we give more to the community than we take. We represent profit (that can be taxed).

Greed, by your government, may make some of us leave your beautiful city. Don’t send us away. We will miss you and our friends. Or, at least put a plaque on the new bridge for which we helped build. Sorry it costs so much and took so long!

Rick L. Murphy

Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Victoria News