Speed bumps needed on North Shore Road?

Speed bumps needed on North Shore Road?

I am saddened to say this is not the first time I have witnessed a close call.

Speed bumps needed on North Shore Road?

Today, I witnessed a young girl almost get hit by a speeding truck down North Shore Road.

I am saddened to say this is not the first time I have witnessed a close call. I reside on North Shore Road where the speed limit is 50 km. Unfortunately, this is considered a guide by most driving this road.

As a resident on this road, I am fearful for anyone walking towards Youbou or children walking daily to and from school. There are no sidewalks on some parts of this road. As the summer approaches there will be more and more people utilizing this road by foot, bike, or car. There are also new homes being built and trade workers needing to park their vehicles on the side of the road as well. This does hinder a driver’s view point normally, but more so when the driver is speeding.

Festival goers also use this road quite frequently during the summer and I do remember last year a short term remedy was closing the road. Perhaps we should explore a long term solution to this increasing conundrum. I am wondering if speed bumps would act as a deterrent to this habitual problem.

Jan Davis

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen