Sports complex shines in debut

EDITORIAL: Coaches, athletes, families and individuals are beaming over the fancy new park.

Although it may be difficult to accept the new $8-million athletic park which most residents didn’t even bother to vote for, it is here.

And with all the work that’s gone into it, including going about $500,000 over budget, it’s not going anywhere. Therefore this new amenity, whether you wanted it or not, should be celebrated and used.

And it looks like that is going to be just the case with our new facility.

Coaches, athletes, families and individuals are beaming over the fancy new park. Runners, joggers and walkers are eager to try the new rubberized track and reduce the impact on their joints. Sports teams are looking forward to having regulation-sized facilities, something the region has lacked for decades. Not to mention the field consists of people-friendly cork, instead of that black rubber that most artificial grass fields contain. It doesn’t look as sharp, in fact it kind of makes the grass look a little dirty, but it also gives it a more natural look, like the grass isn’t being over-watered.

So while Greater Vernon teams and individuals are excited about the new park, it is also generating interest up and down the valley.

Therefore if you were one of the 4,303  people who supported borrowing up to $7.5 million over 20 years for the complex, you can pat yourself on the back for what will hopefully attract teams from all over (who will then spend money locally).

It was a close vote, with 3,917 no votes. But really, it’s the lack of interest that is most notable. Out of a possible 45,095 voters, only 8,220 participated in the referendum.

That’s the thing about democracy, if you don’t use your voice, it doesn’t count. Perhaps something to keep in mind as we head into a federal election.


Vernon Morning Star