St. Joseph’s hospital staff thanked

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I had an unexpected trip to St. Joseph’s Hospital for a gall bladder operation.

My stay was two weeks because of an infection.

I have great admiration for the nursing staff, the student nurses and other staff in emergency and on a third floor ward. These people treated me wonderfully even though it seemed to me that they could use more help.

This was a 150 per cent improvement over a previous stay a number of years ago.  I would also like to thank my family doctor, Nancy McFadden, and my surgeon, Dr. Tien for getting me on the mend.  Also thanks to Frank Davis and Leo Uhlenburg for their daily visits etc.  Frank looked after my cat and did my shopping when I was released from hospital.  I owe them all big time!

Ed Majden

RCAF/CAF Veteran retired


Comox Valley Record