Some hockey fans are getting bent out of shape from watching the on-again-off-again NHL negotiations.
Fans should mellow out. Before they blame the multimillionaire players and billionaire owners, they should look in the mirror. The fans created these competitive, money-crazed Frankenstein monsters. Fans willingly throw enormous sums of money at professional sports.
Most franchise owners view hockey as a well-oiled machine for picking the pockets of fanatical fans. Greed hovers around money like flies around an outhouse.
There’s never enough, especially if someone else might be getting a little more.
Besides, Canadians of all people should be more understanding. If Mr. Bettman presented you with a financial contract, I doubt if you would say, “Gee, Gary show me where to sign.” Furthermore, I bet your first instinct would be to cross-check him into the boards.
Lloyd Atkins