Statements about lead and club rules are false

Statements about lead and club rules are false

Mrs. O'Brien's statements are a complete distortion of the truth

Statements about lead and club rules are false

I feel compelled to respond to Francine O’Brien’s letter (June 27) regarding Cowichan Fish and Game.

Mrs. O’Brien’s statements are a complete distortion of the truth and I can only guess where she is sourcing her information. To suggest that lead pollution is a problem is complete nonsense and to imply that contaminates are entering the Cowichan River is without basis.

Her suggestion that the operating rules are lax and therefore attracting more members could not be further from the truth. Range rules are an important component of using the facility and are strictly enforced.

Before imparting false information into the community, it would be appropriate to research the subject and not reiterate the falsehoods promoted by a small group opposed to the range.

I invite Mrs. O’Brien to visit the facility and learn what the true facts are.

Mike Flatt


Cowichan Valley Citizen