Sun setting on summer?

The recent cool weather has some of us thinking that summer in these parts may be over already. Ugghhh.

The recent cool weather has some of us thinking that summer in these parts may be over already. Ugghhh.

For those of us who may think anything over 35 degrees Celsius is too much of a good thing anyway, there may be a sense of relief.

But there’s also that feeling that things are about to get a little more serious, as things do once September rolls along.

Routines begin anew, clubs regroup, it’s back to school time, ahem….

However the good news is it’s only mid-August folks and according to the forecast it’s supposed to be warm and sunny again, maybe as early as today or Monday.

And then there’s September which is always good for a stretch of sunny skies.

Still, I’m glad I got my two-week stretch of holidays in already and the weather was fantastic. Maybe a wee bit too hot but complaining about that seems so wrong on so many fronts.

And I’m sorry but due to a lack of a better idea, I’m going to treat you with that back-to-school favourite of an essay on what I did on my summer holidays.

I always figure you have to get out of town at least for a little while for it to be a real holiday but that could be because I’m in the news business and if I don’t physically leave the city limits  it’s difficult for my mind to hit the rest and relax mode. Occupational hazard I suppose but I’m sure I’m not alone in that thought, even though there’s so much to do in these parts in the summertime, and believe me I did a lot of that too.

It was launched with a weekend golfing getaway with some old (ahem) high school buddies which was just what the doctor ordered as a combination of reminiscing, comparing life notes, bragging and complaining about our kids, worrying about retirement plans, a number of belly laughs, enough alcohol and an ability to communicate openly despite the fact we see each other semi-annually at best, proved to be a prescription for a life-affirming exercise.

Thanks guys.

I also bought a book during my holidays.

That’s not that exciting, I know, but I actually read it too. OK, it was on the short side but it qualifies and for a guy who is always reading newspapers and  magazines and frets about not having enough time to read actual books, I’m chalking it down to an accomplishment.

I also got to the dump.

Again, not normally something to write home about, or in a column for that matter, but when it clears out a bunch of stuff that’s been accumulating around the yard for months now,  not only does it feel good to finally get it done, there’s a cleansing aspect to it as well. Another chore finally crossed off the list.

Of course it wasn’t all about chores, just ask my wife, although I did make dinner more than usual on my days off, so there.

However, I also hit the lake at least a few times and I found the time to get out golfing with my kids and dad once, as well as take part in the family tradition called the Mitchell Cup.

Let’s just say, almost according to an annual script, I choked on the last hole and let another family member, who shall remain nameless, and may or may not work at this newspaper, win.

But I’m over that now.

And my holidays ended on a glorious note with a three-day excursion to the Sunshine Coast with my better half.

We had never been there before and if you’re looking for an easy to get to, fairly reasonably priced, relaxing holiday that includes stunning scenery and ocean vistas straight out of a tourism brochure, do check it out. And yes we had fish and chips at Molly’s Reach.


Vernon Morning Star