Supporting of stance on climate change

What a breath of fresh air to read Tom Fletcher’s article, ‘The Inconvenient Truths of Climate Change’

What a breath of fresh air to read Tom Fletcher’s article, ‘The Inconvenient Truths of Climate Change’ under B.C. Views in your Dec. 4 issue.

All too often we, the public, are fed lopsided information on news items through our TVs, and the climate issue is one of those situations.

To read Tom’s comment is a welcome break from the usual doom and gloom of climate change, which has been force-fed to us through the media, for years, by climate alarmists.

The science on global warming, anthropogenic global warming (AGW), climate change or whatever they are calling it today, issue is not a done deal. It is not written in stone; it is not as incontrovertible as some would have us believe.

It is foolish for us to be making economic decisions based on this kind of theory. In order for us to be fully informed on such a vital issue we need to be aware of opposing views, but this has not been the case with AGW and we have the electronic media to thank for it.

There is a mountain of evidence contradicting the so-called science on the Global Warming Theory.

There are climate realists and one of those influential realists is Freeman Dyson, a theoretical physicist and mathematician at Princeton University, who has spent 37 years studying the subject of climate and the benefits we derive from increased CO2 in the atmosphere.

Winston Churchill once said, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

A lie doesn’t become truth just because it is accepted by the majority of people who are making the loudest noise.

Vic Lethbridge



Salmon Arm Observer