Taking a stand for workers rights worthwhile

As Henry Ford (no bleeding socialist he) stated, "My workers have to earn a good income in order to buy my Model T's."

Editor, The Times:

Joseph Stiglitz’s book The Roaring Nineties is a straightforward read. Written by an insider, Mr. Stiglitz is not only former World Bank official but he was part of the Bill Clinton’s economic team during the last great economic boom in the U.S.

The Roaring Nineties is one of the severest indictments of Reaganomics and Thatcherism that one can find.

Voodoo economics don’t work in the long run.

Having read Stiglitz’s work and feeling somewhat masochistic I then watched Enron – The Smartest Guys in the Room and topped it all off with Michael Moore’s Capitalism, a Love Story. I must say it was a downer experience.  At the end I’m forced to echo Michael Moore, “How does one to five per cent of the population pull such smoke and mirrors on the rest of us?”

Well, with this present Occupy Wall Street movement, perhaps this is all coming to an end? Probably not!

I do wish that Laura Jones and the rest of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, instead of taking a stand that sounds like something directly from BC Business magazine, Canadian Business magazine or those far right fruitcakes from the Fraser Institute, would for once come out for workers’ rights, environmental causes – anything but a steady diet of free market nonsense.

I know that the Federation of Independent Business has to represent the interests of its members. However going after a “living wage,” actually works against them.

As Henry Ford  (no bleeding socialist he) stated, “My workers have to earn a good income in order to buy my Model T’s.”

It’s to bad that Laura Jones and her gang haven’t figured this out yet!

Dennis Peacock

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times