Tax guide from MP is unnecessary

How much did it cost the Conservative government to produce and send out this wee bit of “Our Conservative Government” self-promotion?

Editor:  Recently households in Langley received a “Tax Guide” from our Conservative government MP — Mark Warawa.

The words “Our Conservative Government” appear 28 times in the 15-page booklet, more than once per page.

How much did it cost the Conservative government to produce and send out this wee bit of “Our Conservative Government” self-promotion, disguised as a tax guide?

Did other MPs in “Our Conservative Government” send these out too?

If so, how much did “Our Conservative Government” spend in total to do so?

Is the honourable member from “Our Conservative Government” aware that virtually all of the information he and the government have provided is from the tax guide available for pick up at all Canada Post offices, if you no longer receive it with an income tax form in the mail.

That guide and, even more so, the searchable guide available at are of far more use.

The Conservative government might be interested to know that my tax forms, like those paid by plenty of Canadians, are already done and in, using both an on-line tax tool and the excellent guide found at the CRA website.

Both are far more useful and easy to use than this one provided at our cost by “Our Conservative Government.”

R.L. Read,


Langley Times