Tax is not a four-letter word

Tax is not a four-letter word

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Tax is not a four-letter word – that’s what I am telling the Donald Trump populists in the Valley who are wailing about Courtenay taxes.

Taxes provide for health care, schools, streets, roads, fire and police protection, among other things. Just as there are no free lunches, there are no simple solutions to complex issues like taxation.

In 1994-95, the federal government brought down a budget that saw the biggest cutback on federal spending since the 1950s. The consequences of that budget were far reaching. This federal budget transferred funding service cuts to the provinces and – surprise – the provinces passed on service cuts to the municipalities, all without providing any funding.

The local populists are trying to tell me that there are simple solutions to taxation issues, but their Trump-style, simplistic approach to complex issues like taxation is dangerous, and will cause problems for Courtenay. Cut taxes and the city will sing? Bunkum.

Housing, poverty, community engagement, police and fire protection costs have all gone up as supportive funding from senior levels of government dried up. Canada Mortgage and Housing, for example, stopped supporting housing at the local level altogether, and rise of homelessness is just one consequence.

I urge voters to get out and vote on Oct. 20. I also urge voters to be very careful about what you vote for or vote against. Think about what the Donald Trump populists are promising – and if it’s a price you’re willing to pay.

Cliff Boldt


Comox Valley Record