

Thank you, from Cowichan District Hospital

We are grateful to these service clubs and businesses for the following donations

Thank you, from Cowichan District Hospital

On behalf of the administration and staff of the Cowichan District Hospital, I would like to thank the citizens and businesses of the Cowichan Valley for their continued support during the current COVID pandemic.

Your thoughtful words of appreciation to our individual health team members, your kind messages posted near the hospital and around the community and the cacophony of your jubilant support at the 7 p.m. shift change have done much to lift our spirits during this very trying time.

We are very glad to live in such an active and supportive community, and we are grateful for so many things.

We are grateful for the doctors, nurses, care aids, clerks, lab technicians, cleaners, administrators, cafeteria workers, maintenance workers, volunteers and all the others who work to keep our hospital functioning.

We are grateful to the medical students and retired doctors who have recently stepped up to offer their time and expertise to assist in this battle.

We are grateful to the many individual members of the public who have donated masks and gloves to protect against this virus. (While we appreciate the offer of home made masks, we are unable to accept them due to strict infection control standards. But we applaud your generous sentiment!)

We are grateful to these service clubs and businesses for the following donations:

CDH Auxiliary — masks

Alert First Aid — masks

Rotary Club of Ladysmith — masks

Island GM — tents

CDH Foundation — tents

Island Savings — tents

Ampersand Distillery — hand sanitizer

Stillhead Distillery — hand sanitizer

Merridale Cidery and Distillery — hand sanitizer

Adam’s Tarp and Tool — N95 and N100 masks, respirators and portable storage containers (at cost)

Nourish Cowichan, Authentic Pizza and Panago Pizza — food for busy staff

And we are especially grateful for the rest of the team on the front line that is keeping us safe: our police, paramedics, firefighters, social outreach workers and other first responders; and the people who keep us fed — our grocery workers and truck drivers.

All of these people are risking their health to keep us safe.

Please appreciate and honour them by keeping them safe.

Stay home! Do not get together physically with your friends or relatives who are not living with you.

Wash your hands often and well. Cough into your sleeve.

Be grateful for our community and your health.

We will get through this together with your continued support.

Dr. A.R. (Bob) Anderson

Medical director and chief of staff

Cowichan District Hospital

Cowichan Valley Citizen