Thank you to honest young people

There are countless young people who are a treasure and a pleasure to deal with

Editor: I would like to take the opportunity to thank four young people who found a purse lying on a sidewalk in front of a private home in Langley on Christmas night.

One of the young people went to the door of the home, wanting to know if anyone there had dropped the purse on the sidewalk.

As it turned out, one of the guests at that home had inadvertently dropped it while putting gifts in the car, which was parked in front of the house. It had gone unnoticed until she arrived back home in Chilliwack.

It was very uplifting to know there are countless young people who are a treasure and a pleasure to deal with. Their parents can be very proud of the job they did in instilling in these four the virtues of honesty and integrity.

I am very appreciative to be the recipient of your kindness. Thank you again.

Mrs. White,


Langley Times