I want to thank all who signed SensibleBC’s petition and all my canvassers who froze their butts off at the end!
Although not enough signatures were collected province wide – we met our quota with Vanderhoof and Burns Lake’s help.
In the region, 1,660 signatures were needed – 1,845 were collected – with almost 700 coming from Fort St. James (I am very proud of us).
Hats off to Don Weaver who singlehandedly collected almost 500 in Vanderhoof – couldn’t have done it without you.
I know we missed getting to a lot more sensible people out there – I apologize – next time around (estimating 2015), we will be far better organized.
Over 200,000 voters want to change B.C.’s archaic marijuana laws – heads up Christie – you are dropping the ball.
I wish everyone a Happy New Years and want you to know that we did well.
Peace out,
Mary Phillips