Thanks to 3 Musketeers

Langley resident appreciates their thoughtfulness after her car broke down.

Editor: I would like to thank the Three Musketeers.

On March 4, I was filling up my vehicle with gas at the Shell station in Aldergrove, at at 276 Street and Fraser Highway. After I filled the car, I was unable to start it.

Three men noticed my difficulty and came to help. They pushed the car to the side of the parking lot and stayed with me while I called a tow truck for help.

They then insisted on taking me back to my home, saying they were the Three Musketeers and wanted to help a lady from distress.

I do not know their names, but I know they are from Surrey, and I want to publicly thank them.

There are still gentlemen in the world.

Utta Habermann,


Langley Times