To the editor:
Have you noticed that all things public are under attack today? Healthcare, education, resource ownership and management.
Spearheading these attacks is the conservative movement across this land. Where they are in power they are working very hard to roll back any and all legislation that does not favour their corporate elite backers.
I suppose that in and of itself this is not surprising, what is surprising is that they are able to con voters to support them, against their own self-interest.
The same tired, old argument, public bad, private good are trucked out ad infinitum without a shred of proof to back them up. Let’s face it folks, the privatization movement now afoot benefits the rich and the corporate elite. Oh, I forgot to mention the anti-union movement.
Wake up fellow Canadians and see the corporate moths, chewing up the fabric of a system that has served us well for 50 years. I believe that we had achieved a balance between public and private enterprise, but that balance is under threat.
You can help to maintain that mutually beneficial balance by using your vote wisely this fall.
Wes Morden,
Blackpool, B.C.