The influence of ‘Big Oil’ in B.C.

Is anyone else tired of endless BC Liberal Government “Job action plan” ads trying to convince us that they are doing a good job?

Is anyone else tired of endless BC Liberal Government “Job action plan” ads trying to convince us that they are doing a good job? We hear now that the BC Liberals have raided our contingency funds to the tune of 15 million dollars for these ads which are now running in the most expensive advertising slots available, during the hockey games.

I want my money back.  I want the bill to be paid for by the BC Liberals from funds they raised themselves.  You can sign an online petition demanding an end to these ads at

Oh, and that brings me to the appalling fact that the BC Liberals now hold fund raisers in Alberta.

According to the Vancouver Sun the invite to that event added that topics of discussion would include: “The very real risks posed by the NDP under its leadership; How in transitioning from one free enterprise coalition leader to another, mistakes are acknowledged; How that coalition is re-grouping, and will beat back the challenge from the NDP”.

Just what mistakes are they acknowledging?  And who is this coalition they talk about?  The BC Liberals, Albertans and Big oil?

It also alarms me that Ian Anderson, the President of Kinder Morgan (the other, bigger tar sands pipeline) will be a member of the Board of Governors of the Business Council of British Columbia in 2013.  Seems to me that the influence of big oil over BC politics is growing by leaps and bounds.

Let’s take back that control by voting appropriately in the upcoming provincial election.

Sandra Forbes


Chilliwack Progress